August 5, 2012

What's New!?

HAYYYYY GAIZZZZ. Jenn here! I know I'm late, don't keel meee. x.x Anywhore, I thought 'd start off by saying SUMMER'S OVA. Well, not for me. I don't start until Thursday. Sophomore year, bitchezzzz. I got allll of my school shopping done before july even started. [I'm a huge dork when it comes to school. *-*] I've recently gotten into Japanese music. [random, but wtvr] More specifically [did I spell that right? Meh, I don't care. =o=] creepy ass Japanese music. OH DAMN, THUNDER. It's storming as I'm writing this, and for those that don't know, I'm a HUGE wuss when it comes to storms. x.x [get yo laughing over with >~>] Oh and, this is more personal, but I thought I'd add a little bit about IMVU in here. I met someone. His name is... Why y'all wanna know my boyfriend's name anyway? =w= He's British, I'll leave it at that. GO CRAZY, IMAGINATIONS! Oh and I thought I'd talk about shipping. If you don't know what that is...LEAVE WHILE YOU STILL CAN! Loljk, but srsly. I'm still a little confused about it myself. Apparently it's where you're like...paired up with a celebrity? There's a name for that already. It's called "ain't gonna happen". Or more commonly "keep dreaming, sista". >o< I'm gonna end my post before someone bitch slaps me. I LOVE YOU GAIZ. Much love and stay beautiful,


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