October 25, 2014

Halloween Queens

kawaii imvu

Hey guys! Halloween is next week! I'm super excited~ I've always loved Halloween. It gives me an excuse to dress up in cute costumes! However I always hated Halloween being on the last day of October. Basically meaning when we're well into fall, so it's 50-60 degrees out. COLD WEATHER NEVER STOPPED ME!!!!!! This year I'm dressing as a nurse~ mwahahaha. xoxo

(Costumes from KisatheCutie ~ she has alot of amazing costumes to choose from) 
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October 11, 2014

Gone Girl

imvu outfits

Hello my lovely sweet sweet cherubs. I haven't been active on the blog for quite some time....two months. I'm so sorry. My failure to be a responsible blogger hasn't gone unpunished though (for those of you who want to stage a readers coup). Many incredible opportunities I could have received from IMVU scouts & such are now out the window *sniff*

Literally when I leave all the cool stuff happens. It's like you guys are doing it on purpose. The amount of traffic I've gotten in the last two months is beyond alarming. Like.... do you guys actually like me enough to check back every once in a while for a new post wtf?  

I guess now I should explain why I've been gone for so long....*gulp*
um....how..do I ...say..this.....................welllllllllllllllllll...................................um....basically.....erm. *cough*..............IMVU barely interests me. I DON'T KNOW WHY! Please call a doctor because idk what's wrong with mE!! One minute I'm happy & super inspired to make so many post, then the next day I just shut down. I didn't even slowly start showing less and less interest. It was in an instant, like cold turkey instant. Though I'm not going to leave you guys (appreciate you guys to much). I can't, and I won't. Maybe it's just another bloggers block phase. I hope..xx

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