December 20, 2012

Last post before we all die?

Jenn informed me that today was the "last day", before we all simultaneously combust on the 21st. Jenn also notified me that she was going to hell, & since she can't get into Heaven.....PARTY IN HELL GUYS! Hurry.  Go do something bad, coz we will party hardy. Also will be signing autographs there. Just saying. It will be worth it & you will be on my hit list forever. Gain perks.

Anyways if I was to actually die tomorrow I'D BE OK WITH IT wtf!! Today was a really good day. A REALLY GOOD DAY (all caps coz dead serious, ok)!

I spent half of the day with Jenn taking photos. How did time fly by that quickly anyway?? It all started with me begging Jenn to come online, because I have this new "tradition" where.. I WANNA TAKE CHRISTMAS PHOTOS EVERY YEAR, OK!!!!!? C.O.C.O.A.Y!! Christmas only comes once a year. Let's all just start saying that.

"Dude why are u dressed as Santa?"

"Dude why are u saying x-mas instead of Christmas?"

"Dude why are u donating to charity now all of a sudden?"

That excuse works for everything. You're welcome.

Now back to what I was saying......JENN AND ME TOO LIKE A MILLION-BAJILLION PHOTOS! Grade A camera whores. FRESH 2 DEF. While we were scavenging the room for un-used poses, we saw 3 people poses & at first we ignored. BUT THEY WERE ALL SO CUTE & KAWAII. WE NEEDED SOMEONEEEEEE~  So Jenn invited her pet, wtf.

Pet: Hjello. o - o
I almost died because...
HELLO & JELLO AT THE SAME TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why have I never realized that putting HELLO & JELLO together would cause the water I had taken a sip of at that moment, TO BURST OUT OF MY MOUTH!! Ok. My greeting now is solely "Hjello". Guys we should only greet with Hjello. It'll be a secret code. Cult. So if you ever wondered if any of your friends (or strangers) were readers type "HJELLO" in chatbox. GO NOW!

Unfortunately I did not use the tool I usually use to snap photos for the blog. Today I used the IMVU camera tool, haha. So I'm not really sure how the photos will appear on the blog. ENJOY!! Love you all, & thanks for reading~ MEET UP IN HELL. See you guys soon. Mwah xx

P.S: If anyone is wondering why Jenn is wearing only boobs & undies, coz Jenn was suppose to be in all red & me in all green. Who would of thought that Jenn's only red clothing in her closet, would be lingerie.
P.S.S: My hat tho. It's totally posh. Like even if you hate me, you have to admit. It is just perfect.

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kawaii imvu
kawaii imvu

Also I dont care if I die coz went to the mall with the cutest asian ever. K bye. Kiss kiss.


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