May 6, 2012

Update and My IMVU Day

Hey just a quick update! I did not forget about you guys! The next two weeks are my exam days, so I won't be posting. Wish me luck! Since today is my last day on IMVU till exams are finished my friend and I decide to hit the the theme park.  The theme park is a popular park from Chibi who last year let me get a first look of the theme park before it was open to the public!! I took pictures of myself really, but you can spot her arm right beside me! lol.

Then I went to the adoption with Jewelz, where I met this girl who pissed me off. First of she had one of my pet peeves! A kid who has a fully painted face and piercings. 10 minutes later she changes her height and asks for a kid FlipsTable.jpg. Omg, not only that but her name was a drug reference. No....just no. I literally scratched my eyeballs for the 2 hours she was in there. I even stopped talking for 10 minutes and this bitch is still in the room saying things like "I'm bored". Omg it's an adoption!No. Just no.


Later I snapped pics with Ashley to blow off steam thank god she was online. She's amazing.


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