April 9, 2014

Lolita Series : Good Lolita, Gone Bad

Hello my charming readers. I haven't spoken to you all in a pretty long time, to be more specific...since February. Wtf? I don't know. I legitimately don't have a campy excuse this time. Other than the fact that time goes by fast srsly wtf? I swear that post was like two weeks ago.... NOT TWO MONTHS? Or maybe it's the fact that Jew is posting, so it makes me assume I posted just recently. Isn't she great? She's fantastic tbh. I mean, I don't have to bug her or anything to make posts. She loves you guys, and her ideas are so fresh so clean - Outkast. Ok enough of this high praise. ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ  /end fangirl

Ok so today I wanted to start a new series on Lolita fashion! Not Lolita fashion as in Lolita 1997 version (I would totally do that just saying call me a pedo). I am seriously obsessed with all things Lolita...BOTH Lolita's to be exact. Like I would totally name my daughter Lolita, but I think she'd hate me if she ever one day Google searched the meaning of her name. Trust me it will happen, we all Google search the meaning of our names at one point in our life.

I also wanted to do this partly because I will be going to Momocon dressed up as a Lo! [screams internally] \(T∇T)/ I am filled with happiness. Sweet Lo tho.

Let's Begin: Gothic Lolita
gothic lolita anime
gothic lolita anime
Here is the front and back view of this just.....highly detailed dress, my god. Speechless. "+Maria+ II" is priced at 1000c but it's a top and bottom piece. So you're really getting your credits worth. The thing I love about Pharmacist is the high attention to detail in all her dresses. Yes it's pricy but my god did you see that tail coat?
imvu emo

Here you can see all the little details she put in: from the ribbon, to the frilliness, and the cute little buttons. I look so bad ass. ( ̄ー ̄)

imvu kawaii

I chose to wear pig-tails to give it that adolescent flare, and fangs because idk #yolo.
kawaii imvu

Look at my fangs, they are so lovely! Wouldn't you want me to sneak into your room in the middle of the night and give your neck a lil' pinch (◡‿◡✿). The fangs are from Monstre "M | Fangbanger :: Silver" 
imvu lolita
Lastly a side-by-side look at the dress. The boots were specifically made for this outfit! "+Maria+ Boots I" priced at 750c.
Hope you find this series appealing. Next time will be something in the sweet series. Thank you for staying dedicated, and patiently awaiting me and Jew's posts. I really do appreciate you readers. I don't know if I say that enough.

Oh also!!! Just like last time I forgot the birthday of kawaiiestimvu. I WON'T FORGET NEXT TIME I SWEAR! But KawaiiestIMVU is now officially two years old! My baby growing so fast. Soon she'll be starting school, then driving, then college////crying.
Happy Birthday to us! 38,000 readers and still growing strong. Ily. ( ˘ ³˘)❤ Just thank you everyone for the support, and lovely comments. Just...thank you.
~March 1st 2012~
(Yes I was a month late, I am a really bad mother)

imvu kawaii


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