May 1, 2013

IMVU Kawaii/Pastel Goth/Grunge Collab with me!

Hey loves~ 
So yesterday I got reminded that I never actually did that one post I promised. Remember when I said I was going to list all of my favorite creators? ...And now thinking about it I realize how useful this can be to all of us! The kawaii/pastel goth/& grunge community on IMVU is growing fast, and I love it! Unfortunately some of us don't know exactly where to look to find these kinds of creators, or the creators who do put out those types of clothing aren't known to us. I'd like to help both sides! Let's all make a big list of our favorite creators! I need ALL of you readers help! Every single one of you!! Please take the time to send me a list of your favorite creators, and even photos of your avatar wearing them! Thanks so much guys!

kawaii imvu




  1. Theory - She/He is amazing ;u ; ( The hair she/he creates ... ergawsh )
    Evangelion - Her products are really good.
    Vein- Grudge/Edgy accessories and clothing.
    Mun- Pastel themed clothing. Very nice c:
    [{ I'm sorry if you were already notified by these creators; Just discovered this blog and now I'm hooked ^u ^}]

    1. Aww thank you c: // I'm so very glad you are !!


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