March 5, 2013

Yummy Grunge!

Hello hello helloooo! Valentines was a blast yes? And it's weird.....right after Valentines, days were set to smooth sailing. Where did the days goOooOoOooooOOo? Sorry I haven't been blogging these past weeks. Along with busyness at school (wtf busyness is a word?), some family problems came up. Wahh....BUT-- I AM BACK ( always).

Anyways today I just really wanted to say hello! So.....Hello! How are you? Are you happy & well?

I figured I'd say hello today instead of Friday, because Friday I'll defiantly be sick! :D *STAYS POSITIVE*
You know like you can tell the day before that you'll be sick (wtf..or is it just me?). My throat has been sore on&off today. My nose has been running a maaaaaaarathon (so annoying and disgusting I swear). Also my dark circles are like a new shade of grey. *softly weeps* -- NO! I AM FINE! I must make today last as much as I can, before tomorrow....before transformation of being SICK. And Saturday I go to Momo-con! It's an anime convention for all yall who don't celebrate the art of kawaii and anime. MUST DRINK LOTS OF ORANGE JUICE!!! I am determined to break the world record and only be sick for 1 day ONE DAY!!! I will go on a orange juice binge, and over-dose on Vitamin C pills! WAHAHAHAHAA.

Enough of that....

Today is not technically an "ootd". It's more of a "HEY LOOK AT THIS RANDOM PICTURE!" So yeah LOOK AT THIS RANDOM PICTURE! It literally took 5 minutes, but I needed an excuse to talk to you guys. *sob* Also I just wanted to clear up that I am MOST DEFINITELY not cocky. I don't see my self "highly". However you are all my peasants because I am > than you. Ok. Noooo I joke. I love you all and appreciate all my readers! Anyone who takes the time to deal with my level of sarcastic-ness, and bitch about IMVU always...ALWAYS has a place in my heart. xoxo

Kawaii Imvu

So Fetch.
OH! Follow my Tumblr ok. And abuse my ask box
Buh-Bye! Kiss kiss! xoxo

[Random Lana gif because that's my boo]


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