October 1, 2012

IMVU Experience

To my readers,

I know I am two weeks late wtf, and I am super sorry for abandoning my readers like I do all the time!
But this time I have two (really stupid) excuses that'll probably make your eyes roll.

1.)  As I was writing a blog entry a GIGANTIC cockroach just ninja'd himself outta no where onto my keyboard.  And lemme just say I'm a very clean person, so I don't know where the hell that THING came from.  Swear my face was like this "ヽ(゚Д゚)ノ FlipsTable.jpg".  But here's where it gets worse.  I literally fell outta my chair, and ran as fast I could to safety (behind the door).  As I was peaking, swear dat nasty looked me in the eye, waved at me, and just went deuces.  So for two days....TWO DAYS I didn't touch my computer.  Till one day I gained enough courage and came back. I started typing and fifteen minutes later, this butthole shows his face to me.  He waved at me, but I was like "Not uhhh, not this time".  Bang bang.  I hit him with my shoe.  DOUBLE TAP! Like I said before, such an eyeroll, lip smacking, story.

2.) After the cockroach experience,  I logged into blogger gathered all my photos together.....and then it hit me!!!!  These photos are to grunge, and do not match my blog at all !!  If I added these photos I'd have to change my URL to "GrungiestIMVU" wtf.  However these photos were going to showcase the creator Victor3DCG's beautiful creative rooms .  So go check out the rooms, they're super original.   I love it!  I'm only showing one picture because it'd just mess up the kawaii-ness of my blog (that is dangerously low, because I can't get out of mode/grunge).  Obviously not the best photo I took.  #camerawhore


So here's the dealio.  Unfortunately this week I will be going to Florida for a party, so no posting this week.  However I will be doing my occasional stalking, so leave a message on  either this post itself or on the Kawaii ChitterChatter Chat box to the left, lol mouthful.  You can even leave a message on my gmail "kawaiiestimvu@gmail.com".  But you guys are so shy, so #foreveraloneme. I'll be sure to post next week, if you want you could leave ideas! That'd be spectacular (even send your own pics omg).  Love you readers, mwah x.


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