October 25, 2014

Halloween Queens

kawaii imvu

Hey guys! Halloween is next week! I'm super excited~ I've always loved Halloween. It gives me an excuse to dress up in cute costumes! However I always hated Halloween being on the last day of October. Basically meaning when we're well into fall, so it's 50-60 degrees out. COLD WEATHER NEVER STOPPED ME!!!!!! This year I'm dressing as a nurse~ mwahahaha. xoxo

(Costumes from KisatheCutie ~ she has alot of amazing costumes to choose from) 


  1. Ohnoo! The head its really cute. Who is the creator? Can you send me a link of the head and skin that you used here. Pleaseee. I really love your outfits! xoxo :3

    1. Head: http://www.imvu.com/shop/product.php?products_id=26099544
      Skin: http://www.imvu.com/shop/product.php?products_id=26390344

      and thank you so much ~ xx

  2. What skin,head,eyes,avatar,etc is the nurse avatar wearing? She is lovely cx

  3. The nurse is lovely ;) ! Unfortunately though....she's not me so I do not know sorr. The user does not wish to share this information *cry cry*.



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