October 8, 2012

Careless Fashion #9 : IMVU Japanese Fashion

Hey guys! Careless Fashion. Right here, right now. LET'S GO!
Update 10/9/2012: I just noticed careless fashion isn't in my cute little green apartment anymore.  How careless of me.....ohohoho.

Today's careless fashion is a spin-off of the Japanese mode fashion!  Featuring a sassy ponytail. Pony powers!  I eat kawaii for breakfast. Also I just wanted to say again for the trillionth time...I REALLY APPRECIATE YOU GUYS READING MY BLOG! xoxoxo hugs & kisses, like foreverz.

Click pictures to ENLARGE!!

Less is more right?  So let's play with only one accessory!  Today's accessory is this collar that I'm never taking off, it's perf!!! It's from Seniha88!  It's like the cutest thing in the world!  How did I live without this?

This dress can seriously stand on its own.  No accessories needed.  Looooove it.  By CAL.  CAL is always creating.  Whenever I need to catch up with the latest trends, all I gotta do is hit up CAL.  Love all work.  Pinstripes!  And the lovely boots by Rax.  So kawaii~ and innocent looking. Gloves also by CAL!

Sorry but I just had to put a conceited picture of just my face.  I'm not naked.  I don't do nudez.  
Such a quick post.  I know.  This weekend however, I'm freeeee! So a post (real post) will be heading your way guys.  Again thanks for being patient!  Please don't call child services, I won't neglect you anymore.  Till then. xoxo.  Smooches.

p.s: I cannot wait till Halloween >_< !!


  1. Replies
    1. I'm not sure what you mean by this....my avatar poses? Or my actually avatar? The avatar poses are by Sinderella http://www.imvu.com/shop/web_search.php?manufacturers_id=24222565&cat=108&page=1

      If you were asking about the clothing I can provide specific links, but I did give credit to every creator within the post. (´・_・`)

      Dress - http://www.imvu.com/shop/product.php?products_id=14527317
      Collar - http://www.imvu.com/shop/product.php?products_id=16004490
      Shoes- http://www.imvu.com/shop/product.php?products_id=9337298
      Gloves - http://www.imvu.com/shop/product.php?products_id=13852708

      If I still haven't answered your question please be a little bit more specific love~ Thank you and thanks for reading xoxo ! (*^ワ^*)

  2. Thank you darling (ノ)´∀`(ヾ) xoxo

  3. Qual o nome do cabelo? por favor responda <4

  4. Hi, love this outfit! But how is the skin you're wearing called? Sorry for English fails >///< i love ur blog! Xx

  5. Adorable :') sooo cute^,..,^


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