January 29, 2014

Meet the Newest Addition to the Family : Jew

Hey everyone. For those of you with a keen eye you would've noticed this on the previous post :

Now let me introduce Jew! She so kindly agreed to let me interview her. o(^▽^)o [After the interview she did admit to me she was a little nervous, and was trying to keep a level of professionalism.]

Let the interviewing Commence !!!
Don't ask me why she went default for the interview lmaoo (´・_・`)

Cuppi: Hey everyone ~ Today I am interviewing Jew A.K.A the one who wrote the previous post on the blog 'The Two Sides of Grunge' (which you should indeed read right after this). How are you today on this fine evening?
Jew: I'm doing good
Cuppi: Mkay so first things first...what are you going to add to this glorious blog?
Jew: Hopefully stuff that is kawaii to all your readers and fits the fashion of the blog. I'd try to post most of the grunge fashion and such..
Cuppi: So you're going to do something like 'IMVU OOTD' or 'Careless Fashion'?
Jew: More along the lines of Careless Fashion
Cuppi: What would you call it, if you know it already? ._.
Jew: I'm not sure yet
Cuppi: Lbr are you going to be like Jenn and just randomly leave, without a goodbye or anything? ~ I Love you Jenn ~
Jew: Uh no
Cuppi: <__< Why do you sound unsure..
Jew: No*
Cuppi: Once you join this blog you make a compact with me...like you sold your soul to me js. So don't play gems w me
Jew: Ok i sowi
Cuppi: It ok . Ok rap a quick bio about yourself before we go. Lmao
Jew: Ok um
Cuppi: My name is Julissa but people call me Jules, I like anything horror and I want to somehow be in the horror industry by creating and sculpting masks from clay and doing makeup looks with liquid latex and stuff
Cuppi: Fricka Fricka Fre$h
Cuppi: One last thing. Can you give us a lil *teaser* of what your next topic will be on?
Jew: It'll have to do with pastel grunge
Cuppi: Yaaay c: , ok I think we'll end it here. Anything you'd like to say to the readers?
Jew: I hope I keep the kawaii flare in my posts and dont get too boring for you guys o-o

I didn't realize how short the interview was lol, because it literally took at least thirty minutes. I really tried to push Jew to create a solo blog for herself, like Jenn has (So you guys can know her better) but she's just not into it. ლಠ益ಠ)ლ FUAAAAAAA.

She has a very interesting thought process, as well as a creative mind-set. Which you guys will learn to love, as she starts to post more, and warm up to the blog. Like it's out of this world.  Hopefully me and her can do some sort of collab soon, it will be mind blowing. 
Lastly, I'm about to hit...........30,000 readers ヽ( ★ω★)ノ . I would like to thank every one of you. A special thanks to IMVUguide.com (Skyepie) for becoming affiliated with me bringing more attention to my blog (and occasionally stalking me ಠﭛಠ). Thank you all for showing me love on my Tumblr, as well as through e-mail. I don't think I would've ever continued this blog without you guys. So thank you so much. 

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January 27, 2014

The Two Sides Of Grunge

Hey readers of Cuppi-Chan!~ I am Hamfarto! Other wise known as Jew! Not because I am a Jew. Not that there's anything wrong with that. We are off to a good start I just feel it.. Since I am on this kawaii blog I guess I must use the kawaii emoticons. Such as the following
*clears throat*
( ★ω★)(。・ω・。)(✿´‿`)(◡‿◡✿)( T∇T) ( ̄︶ ̄;) (*^3^)/~☆ (・_・;)(︶︹︺) ∩( ・ω・)∩ 
(๑・ω-)~♥(∩_∩) 。◕‿◕。 (⊙﹏⊙✿) 
*glances at your face through the computer screen*
Anyways lets get on with the post ~ (✿ ・ω・✿)
I was originally creating a character with horns as an accessory (dont ask why im goin thru a phase lmao) and then I tried on this outfit by Theory and it just started going north.
baby northwest aha..

Anyways, I incorporated the two of the main styles of "Grunge" into the form of two schoolgirls (◡‿◡✿). To the left there is the pastel side of grunge fashion, and to the right there is the goth side of grunge fashion. I'm sure you wont see people walking around your school with the "purple hair don't care" look and a few burnt roses in their hair. But if you do, then you get to see a true beauty walking around the halls every day (*^3^)/~☆. They probably wont want to talk to you but at least you get to look at them huh? If you went up to her and said "Hello whats your name?" She would probably glance at you and hand you a piece of paper that says:

 Anyways here's the products used!~ (๑・ω-)~♥


( ★ω★)~☆

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January 26, 2014

Protect your Account !! IMVU Scam

Hey everyone today I just wanted to remind my readers to neverEVER give out your password to anyone for whatever reason! Once it's gone, it's gone. I know friends who have lost hundreds of dollars on scams, and I don't want any of my readers to be one of them. It could be anyone asking for your password from strangers to close friends. Trust no hoe - Tupac.

I remember one of my friends gave her PW to a 'friend' she'd know for almost a year who swore she found a glitch on IMVU. Her 'friend' ended up stealing her account.

It just goes to show you, you never know.

Most common scam stories: 

  • They claim to work for IMVU and have randomly selected you as the winner of a 'giveaway'.
  • A mule account (who is supposedly VIP on their main account) wants to give you credits using a hacking generator they know about.
  • A VIP is being nice to new accounts (or even old) and wants to share their secret on being wealthy
  • Websites with hacked generators. 

If people want to be nice or giveaway credits why can't they use the 'give credit' feature on the IMVU website? Would you give credits to ABSOLUTE strangers? Especially if it looks like they have alot more credits than you? No. So please, please, please......Protect your Account!

Today I was asked by Guest_I8TE for my password. Please steer clear from her. For referencing purposes here is the log:

Friendly greeting
Guest_I8TE: Hi , what are you doingg ?
Cuppi: Eat a grill'd cheese sandwich, life is gud
Cuppi: what are you doing
'Nice' scammer approach
Guest_I8TE: I have an offer for you , you can really trust me , I am not hacker , I can make 5000 - 6000- 7000 or 8000 credits with a buyed hack . I am from a different country and all and I know the feeling when someone take your account
Trying to seem legit
Guest_I8TE: :)
Guest_I8TE: Seriously :) You can trust me :)
Guest_I8TE: Just dont start say something about me .
I invited Jew to play around with the scammer
Guest_I8TE: Yea because my last account was hacked and I was vip and today i started playing on it and i didnt make credits on it and i dont want now .
Jew: are they prono crdits or
Guest_I8TE: Promo and simple .
Seems Legit.

Idk anymore
Cuppi: are you really 99
Guest_I8TE: Nope :)) I am 12 ... :)
Jew: How Many promo credits cause like i aint got tim for the poor people's promo credits my nigga
Guest_I8TE: Idk but I know +5000
Cuppi: Ok how about 50,000
Jew: But homie when you are a VIP such as myself I buy only the stuff that is 100000+
Cuppi: cuz my wishlist needa gooooo
Jew: Like i buy the hair that is 1000 each piece you know
Guest_I8TE: Dont put me questions , want credits or no ?
Jew: Nigga naw
Jew: We need to know
Guest_I8TE: -__-
Guest_I8TE: No thank you , bye !

Ayy lmaoo.

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January 21, 2014

Wintertime Weepings

kawaii imvu tumblr model

There's something about the crisp air and the 50 shades of grey (lmao) the sky displays in the Winter that makes me melancholy. I've never created gloomy edits for IMVU (Only for personal use) so I thought why not? We all know my radiant vibes that sprout throughout the blog in the Summer. The daisy fresh outfits I parade to you guys. You know, the ones with the high-waisted shorts that barely cover my bum, and the light airy fabric tops? Almost like I'm an accidental harlot with the face of a pubescent girl-child (◡‿◡✿) . ANYWAYS...Long story short please enjoy my edits I played around with on last weeks "little selfie shoot".

kawaii imvu tumblr model

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January 3, 2014


Happy New Year ~ !! ( ★ω★)

//////// Cheers to a good year on the blog 

[Pictures lead directly to product in shop (。・ω・。) ]

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