I'm back ! I'm fully aware that I've been gone for two months, but just like every other time I've been gone.. I HAVE AN EXCUSE! WAHAHA. It's not going to be
bs like that cockroach excuse (ew) I said awhile back. Are you ready for this?
Yes readers, I go to a treacherous place formally known as 'School'..... high school to be exact (︶︹︺). So during the course of August I was adjusting to my new schedule (As I did last year, for those veteran readers) *sigh*.
K, moving on cause school is just a boring topic...I thought I would make an appearance since you probs forgot what my face looks like, because I've been gone for so long. I'm just a haze to you all! *a solitary tear runs down my cheek* OH BEFORE I DO; I just want to thank you all for continuing to check my blog for posts, the view count for last month was unexpectedly high especially since I had been inactive that whole month (1,853 wtf). Definition of dedication. xoxo
Today's outfit is inspired by this little guy. Unfortunately I am allergic to cats, so this little guy will have to manage. Perk of virtual kitty: He cannot die when i'm inactive for a month ψ(`∇´)ψ
I'm going to sum up each photo from this shoot in a word. Why? Because ladies and gentlemen of the jury..I can. And maybe it's artistic, I dunno. (No edits today because I want this post up A.S.A.P.)
[Click the images for direct link]
Till next time darlings. xoxo
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