December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

Zori told me saying x-mas is ugly, so I'll say Christmas. Today is Christmas eve! I haven't got anyone anything lmao! I will though, before the new year. I SWEAR! I just haven't had time (the feeling rather..) to go Christmas shopping. I hate Christmas shoppers. Just, no. So I will patiently wait for them to be done. I'm so nice.....I can't even. *pats self on the back*. Not posting on Christmas, obvs. Much love! Oh and also a big thanks...
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December 21, 2012

Last post before we all die? pt.2

Lol the title doesn't make sense anymore..... **Update: Jenn was gloating about how she now has 200 photos in her album. FUCKING CAMERAWHORE I SWEAR!! So yesterday I was on IMVU till 1am! Damn, I am now paying the price with these "designer" bags under my eyes. But lot of fun. NO REGRETS! Here are the rest of the photos we took that night~ *Backstory: We found more 3-people poses, and it was late. & there was this dude in the lobby,...
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December 20, 2012

Last post before we all die?

Jenn informed me that today was the "last day", before we all simultaneously combust on the 21st. Jenn also notified me that she was going to hell, & since she can't get into Heaven.....PARTY IN HELL GUYS! Hurry.  Go do something bad, coz we will party hardy. Also will be signing autographs there. Just saying. It will be worth it & you will be on my hit list forever. Gain perks. Anyways if I was to actually die tomorrow...
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December 19, 2012

I've been really lazy lately...

I could lie and say that I've been busy, BUT I DIDN'T! See you can't be mad at me because I told the truth, so HA! However I have been checking on the blog every once, & awhile! Commenters are slowly emerging from the comfort of their own mind, and speaking their mind on the blog! Yay.  High fives for low lives (I've been DYING to say that ever since I saw it on Tumblr & liked it LOL #nolife). Hmm....I think it was Monday...
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December 3, 2012

My highlights

Hey guys!  No I didn't forget about youuuuu~ I just wanted to say I really appreciate the many MANY people who  read this blog. I don't think I'll ever stop blushing at  the continuously growing numbers!! THANK YOU x100 !! Big hugs. Today I thought I'd give you highlights on what I did last week!  Had a good time la. [Monday November/26/2012] SH0t a pR0n.  2 girls no cup.  Unrated/Uncut....
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