March 10, 2012

Careless Fashion BORN

NOTE- If this is your first time on my blog don't read this post.

I'm going to start doing something called careless fashion. You know where I do an "Outfit of the day" type of thing. Just not as professional as the #1 outfit ranking, maybe the #14 lmao (low standards). Maybe when I get the hang of it or realize it isn't "careless fashion" but "cared for fashion" I'll go all pro on yo ass. There's a little catch to this though....they won't all do I.....THEY WON'T ALL BE KAWAII! Yeah soz. Anyways i'm so excited to launch this cause i'm really bored, and it's 12 am, and no one's on.

*Terrible Sample pic.

I like literally just chose the first outfit I saw...and I didn't even pose. I'M SO CARELESS (Joke aha...)!! The "official" careless fashion won't be like that, I promise. I'm just to bored to do anything, but eat.

This outfit has a hint of kawaii on it I guess. It's a deer/human, scary. The thing on the rib cage is a tattoo of some writing (didn't read it, just bought it). Why am I near the moon? I don't even know. Hopefully I didn't give care-less fashion a bad name! 1st one won't be like this PROMISE! I'll do it tomorrow for sure. Kissu Kissu~ xx


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