October 24, 2013

Blogger's Block

I know I've used this photo before , but I've decided to make this my official meme for groaning because I like to do that alot. #sadgirlprobs

Unfortunately I've been caught (again wtf) with the blogger's block, and just when everything has been getting good. Sigh sigh cry cry. What is life

*Me trying to think of a new blog topic*


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October 13, 2013


kawaii imvu



(Fox jackets by Cakes)
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October 9, 2013

Careless Fashion #12 : Pastel Pupil~

kawaii imvu

Hey everyone~! I feel absolutely crummy and unclassy for not fully delivering the outfit series "Pastel Outfit" or whatever you guys wanna call it, as it did not have an official name ( ̄︶ ̄;) .......sooo ladies and gents *drum roll*..I give you another CARELESS FASHION!!! *crowd goes wild*

Today I was inspired by my last post (obvs). For those of you who have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about, I blogged about my school, the (probs) forever lost files, and my usb..r.i.p..[Click here]. Obviously I cannot dress-up as a USB on IMVU,and trust me I thought about it...... but that would just be doing the absolute  most. So instead I revived outfit #3 from the lost files, added more bedazzle and ba-da-boom ba-da-bing CF #12 was born.

kawaii imvu
There's a surprise in the back that I won't reveal..o (◡‿◡✿)

[Click Icons for Direct Link]

anime girl wink gif

♥☆ さようなら ☆♥

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October 8, 2013

An IMVU Heist ?!

Uh-oh-spagetti-O, leave it to me to be "careless" (according to my instructor) enough to leave my beloved USB in my assigned computer's port during wEB design class (Where I do believe it should be).  Well darling do please excuse me for trusting my classmates to not RANSACK MY USB. What do you want crook(s)...Money? Women? Cars? Ugh. But seriously all my essential saves were within that flash-drive: future posts, edits, my sig (In which I spent so long drafting). Oh,  and of course the final edited ver. of pastel outfit #3. Which I  worked so very hard on (since it was to be the ~finale~ of that series.) When I find out who has taken all my YEARS worth of blood, sweat, and tears.....well  I'm just going to.........I'm going to.......yes.

Feel free to print this out and post it EVERYWHERE. On car windshield wipers, mailboxes, around your school, telephone poles, stop signs, doors, old people, ANYWHERE.

Please do it for me o(╥﹏╥)o  ...I will be eternally grateful, and forever in your debt.

Always and forever xoxo, 
(My sig would go here but someone stole my usb.....(◡‿◡;✿))

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